Whiplash Treatment in Rapid City, SD

Our chiropractors will help you towards whiplash relief

  • Highly Skilled Chiropractor
  • Treat the Source of the Pain
  • Holistic Treatment

Our Rapid City Chiropractic Clinic offers whiplash treatments. Call us at (605) 718-1038 to schedule your appointment today!

There are quite a few different ways that you can injure your spine, and one of the most common is a whiplash injury. This type of injury occurs when there is a sudden jerking motion involving the neck and the head, and the jerking motion will be forward and backward. This exerts an extreme amount of force on spinal joints, as well as the spinal cord. It typically occurs when a car is involved in an accident where it gets struck from the front, back, or side.

Whiplash injuries can also occur when participating in contact sports, or even as a result of a slip and fall. The sudden force which gets exerted on the spine can cause significant damage to the spinal cord, the brain, spinal discs, nerves, ligaments, tendons, and muscles. You may not immediately feel the effects of a whiplash injury after the accident itself, but symptoms can appear within a few days or even years afterward. When this happens to you, your best bet is to seek Rapid City whiplash injury treatment at the Thrive Family Chiropractic.

When Whiplash Injuries Occur

What happens to your body

When your body is subjected to a whiplash injury, there are a great many things that happen internally. It can trigger disc bulges or herniation, spinal bones can be fractured, and nerves all throughout the spine and the neck can become damaged or irritated. You might also experience a significant misalignment of your spinal curve and/or spinal vertebrae, muscles can be strained, and ligaments can be torn in various parts of the spine and the neck. A corrective care chiropractor can help make sure these injuries heal properly, so the issues don’t persist into the future and get you back to your old self.

Dr. Kilby providing chiropractic care for whiplash auto injury

How Chiropractic Treatment Can Help

We customize the plan to your needs

The vast majority of whiplash injuries directly impact the spine, as well as nerves and tissues in the surrounding area. These can become torn, stretched, or pinched, such that they cause ongoing problems for the victim. Dr. Kilby Rech at Thrive Family Chiropractic is highly trained at handling trauma to the spine. He will be able to determine which areas of the body have undergone any kind of physical damage, and will also be able to identify the extent of any injury. This will allow our chiropractor to develop an effective program of treatment that will address the areas which have been affected by your whiplash injury.

Since there are no drugs or surgeries involved, corrective care chiropractic promotes self-healing by the body, since it accomplishes the following:

  • realigns spinal bones (vertebrae) to make sure that the joints are properly functioning and to remove pressure on the spinal nerves and surrounding tissue
  • improves spinal curvature to take the stress off of the spinal cord nerves, and joints to increase healing capacity
  • restores functionality to areas that were damaged in the accident
  • reduces tightness, spasms, and discomfort in the affected area

When we address what is truly the source of your problem, we can effectively set a plan customized for you to get you recovered and enjoying life again.

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