Scoliosis Treatment Rapid City, SD

Our clinic specializes in proven therapies to treat scoliosis

  • Experienced Chiropractor
  • Personalized Care Plan
  • Holistic Approach

Our Rapid City chiropractic clinic offer scoliosis treatments. Call us at (605) 718-1038 to schedule your appointment today!

If you are in need of scoliosis treatment in Rapid City or the surrounding area, the facility you should go to first is Thrive Family Chiropractic. Dr. Kilby Rech is well-trained in the treatment of scoliosis and has experienced fantastic results when dealing with scoliotic patients. Scoliosis is a spinal condition in which the curvature of the spine appears to be abnormal when viewed from the back or the front. In most cases, the condition begins at an early age, and usually quickly progresses during puberty when the body is growing rapidly. However, scoliosis can affect individuals at any age, and will negatively affect spinal biomechanics and increase stress on the joints, nerves, and spinal cord.

That’s why it’s extremely important to have scoliosis screenings as early as possible, so it can be effectively treated if present. If caught in time and cared for by a skilled corrective care chiropractor, it increases to odds to avoid surgery. If the curvature of a person’s spine has become too severe, it is common for medical doctors to perform surgery to insert rods and screws in the spine which aims to prevent the curvature from progressing any further. While most of the emphasis has been placed on screening young people for scoliosis, it’s also true that adults can experience significant additional curvature during the course of a single year due to degeneration.

When scoliosis is discovered in time and treated by a Chiropractic Biophysics Chiropractor, like Dr. Kilby Rech at Thrive Family Chiropractic in Rapid City, positive outcomes are achievable. In most cases, specific chiropractic adjustments, scoliosis-specific exercises, and traction therapy are beneficial, and if severe enough Scoliosis bracing may be discussed. In order for these treatments to be really effective so surgery can be avoided, early detection and diagnosis are a must. So if you or someone you know is showing signs of having scoliosis or would like to be screened for scoliosis, you should definitely contact us right away at our Rapid City Scoliosis Treatment facility.

scoliosis treatment plan, Dr. Rech going over x-rays with scoliosis patient

Corrective chiropractic treatment

A non-invasive, natural approach to scoliosis treatment

While it’s true that other systems of care such as physical therapy, medical bracing, and even traditional chiropractic care, have not been the most successful when treating scoliosis and its effect on long-term health, there are effective treatments that can be undertaken by corrective care chiropractic. Chiropractors who are experienced in Chiropractic Biophysics (CBP) will be able to develop a customized care plan for a patient, which usually includes scoliosis-specific exercises, mirror-image adjustments, and spinal remodeling with traction therapy. These treatment protocols usually have the best potential for achieving positive results with scoliosis. In order to determine if someone actually has scoliosis and requires corrective chiropractic care, these are the steps that would normally be followed:

  • Patient consultation –The chiropractic biophysics-trained chiropractor would first go through a detailed health history to learn about any factors that would have impacted spinal development, and also how an individual’s spinal structure could be affecting overall health. This serves as a foundation for where the patient is currently at, and to monitor progress along the way if accepted into the program for scoliosis treatment.
  • Physical exam – A physical exam would be performed on the patient next. It includes posture screening, neurologic exam, orthopedic exam, chiropractic spinal exam, and if indicated x-rays would be taken to get a clear look at the curvature of the spine. The x-rays would be analyzed for scoliosis by calculating any kind of spinal deviation, using state-of-the-art computerized programs.
  • Report of Findings– Once all the information is attained by the doctor, he will go over his findings with the patient and family to determine if care is appropriate at this time.
  • Customized Care Plan– A full treatment plan would be developed if care was deemed appropriate by the doctor, and the patient was committed to stopping, slowing down, or sometimes even reversing the progression of scoliosis.

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